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3 posts tagged with "Java"

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· 7 min read
Matej Jelluš

With this post I want to begin a series of posts about general algorithms. It is not an accident I started with the prime numbers. This is basic problem to solve when you are starting with programming. And one more reason – I was curious how RSA algorithm works and the important part of the algorithm is to generate two random big prime numbers.

· 5 min read

I am working for a Start Up project – DiagramArt, where we needed to create Android application which : load list of diagrams from API, show these diagrams to the user and some other stuff of course. The list consists from a preview picture, diagram’s title and its description. There is no problem to load and show these data, the problem was in the preview picture.

· 3 min read
Matej Jelluš

This post describes how to make HTTP GET and POST request on server. I will use httpbin server for testing. It returns you everything you send there : query params, post data, headers, etc.