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Javascript, the weirdo

· One min read
Matej Jelluš
Tech leader and IT nerd who is constantly trying new things, sharing his experiences and still enjoys writing code in his free time. Currently looking for new challenges and opportunities.

Collection of JavaScript examples when it behaves...weird? Funny?

2 + true // => 3

0.1 + 0.2 // => 0.300000000000000004

typeof NaN // => number

'5' - 3 // => 2

'5' + 3 // => 53

'5' - '4' // => 1

'5' + + '5' // => 55

'foo' + + 'foo' // => fooNan

'5' + - '2' // => 5-2

'5' + - + - - + - - + + - + - + - + - - - '-2' // => 52

[] + [] // => ""

[] + {} // => [object Object]

{} + [] // => 0

[+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]]+[!+[]+!+[]+!+[]] // => "123"

null > 0 // => false
null == 0 // => false
null >= 0 // => true

parseInt(0.000001) // => 0
parseInt(0.0000001) // => 1

parseInt(0.000006) // => 0
parseInt(0.0000006) // => 6

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