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13 posts tagged with "JavaScript"

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Website screenshots and visual diffs

· 4 min read
Matej Jelluš
Tech leader and IT nerd who is constantly trying new things, sharing his experiences and still enjoys writing code in his free time. Currently looking for new challenges and opportunities.

Maybe you know the situation when you deploy some page, check it fastly and go away from the office feeling good about your job done. Then a colleague calls you and you hear “What did you do? It is not working!”.

Backbone.js and cross domain API

· 4 min read
Matej Jelluš
Tech leader and IT nerd who is constantly trying new things, sharing his experiences and still enjoys writing code in his free time. Currently looking for new challenges and opportunities.

I am playing a little bit with PHP micro framework Slim and javascript Backbone.js. Therefor I created two separate projects with URLs : for front-end ( Backbone.js ) and for back-end ( Slim ). The problem occurred nearly immediately : Cross-Origin Resource Sharing ( CORS ).


· 7 min read
Matej Jelluš
Tech leader and IT nerd who is constantly trying new things, sharing his experiences and still enjoys writing code in his free time. Currently looking for new challenges and opportunities.

If you work on a larger project, you have surely write a build script, which helps you with repeating tasks. This can be concatenating javascripts, compiling SASS / LESS files, moving or deleting some files, etc. Each task like this can be ( relatively ) easily defined in Grunt and it will take care of everything.